Volunteer with us!

There are many opportunities to volunteer at Immaculate Conception Parish in Ithaca, NY. We have seven parish committees, and many Liturgy roles to fill each day, including three unique Masses on the weekend. In addition, there are multiple ministries, community partnerships, and small Catholic communities where you can bring your gifts and talents to serve our parish community and surrounding areas. Explore all the volunteer opportunities below. 

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.

Help with the Liturgy

The Liturgy (Mass) is the “source and summit” of our Catholic worship and calls each of us to active participation in it. Many individuals help make the liturgy possible through the use of their gifts and talents as readers, altar servers, cantors, instrumentalists, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, etc. Do you feel called to serve the parish in any of the ways mentioned? If so, we welcome you to share those gifts with us. 

Ways to Volunteer

Click or tap a circle below to learn more. 

Serve on a Committee

There are several Parish Committees that serve Father Chumo and the parish community in various roles. Consider joining one!

Ways to Volunteer

Click or tap a title below to learn more. 

Parish Ministries

Join a Ministry

There are many ministries that serve members of our parish and are involved in community outreach. Learn more about the work of each ministry below.

The Hospitality Team

Coordinator: Mary Edsall-Golway 

The Hospitality Ministry at Immaculate Conception is designed to support the various “events” in the Parish. Our aim is to provide refreshments to assist in making the event a welcoming experience and to build community. Individuals, families or groups can help with baking, cooking, purchasing beverages or other items and set-up or clean-up for events.
Coffee (Social) hours are generally scheduled for the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month, September through June, after the 8:30am and 10:30am Masses. There are no coffee hours November or December 2023. Receptions after funeral Masses are offered, when requested by the family. Operating as “The Martha Ministry” we provide these receptions which are paid for by the family.
Other special events supported often include reception after the Easter Vigil; luncheon after anointing services, luncheon or support on certain feast days such as Immaculate Conception and our annual Remembrance Mass. Light refreshments are made available before and after presentations made by various staff and other speakers. Refreshments are offered when dignitaries such as the Bishop visit.
Everyone is invited to assist in these “events” in whatever capacity that best fits their time and talents. We are presently updating our list of volunteers so when a need arises, calls will be made, on a rotating basis, until enough help is received.
The Hospitality Ministry is an easy way to meet people in the Parish, provides an opportunity to keep in touch with friends and the time commitment is very flexible to fit individual schedules.
We are looking for some help with the Hospitality Ministry. If you are looking for a way to get involved in the Parish, please contact us and we will help determine how you can use your time and talent serving the Parish community through hospitality.
We thank everyone who has helped in this ministry in the past and hope that you are able to continue or begin to help in the future. Would you like to bake, cook, help prepare a menu item for an event? How about helping to set-up or clean-up before or after an event or coffee hour?

Thank you Mary! Thank you volunteers!

Would you like to help the Hospitality Committee?

To volunteer please call the Parish Office at 607-273-6121–or–Mary Edsall-Golway (Coordinator) at 607-564-0673; megolway143@gmail.com or Chris Wells at 607-227-9156; cwells14850@yahoo.com.
Send us a note

Other Parish Volunteer Opportunities

Join the Cayuga Ridge Ministry

A group of volunteer Eucharistic Ministers visit Cayuga Ridge and participate in services. This group is coordinated by Dante Iozzo. If you are interested in learning more about how you can participate, click to send us a note.

Join the Website Team

Help us find creative ways to provide updated information, resources, and catechesis to our parishioners and broader community during COVID and beyond. If you are interested in learning more, click to send us a note.

Join the Youth Ministry Team

There are several different programs available to help our youth grow closer to God while learning the precepts of our Catholic faith including the Family Based program and youth ministry for high schoolers. If you would like to learn more about how you can help, please click to email Rich Rasmussen.

Join or Volunteer at our Local Partnering Organizations

Birthright, Catholic Charities, Knights of Columbus, Mercy Associates. If you are interested in learning more, click to send us a note.

Visit the Homebound

A group of volunteer Eucharistic Ministers bring Communion to the homebound. If you are interested, please click to send us a note.

Help with Church Decorating

Extra hands are always needed to help prepare the church for liturgical changes during the year. This group is coordinated by Lyn Mazza. If you are interested in helping, please click to send us a note.

Pray: Join a small Catholic Community

Divine Mercy Cenacle, Endow, Prayer Shawl Ministry, Seven Sisters Apostolate, St Joseph Prayer Group, St Paul Street Evangelization. If you are interested in joining a small Catholic Community, please click to send us a note.

Assist with the Food Pantry

For 20 years, Immaculate Conception Parish has been helping the community through the Food Pantry. 120 families are served each week. Visit our Community Outreach page to learn more. Click to learn more.

Marian Shrine Floral Ministry

These volunteers keep an eye on the flowers at the Marian Shrine inside the church, to replace them or exchange them as the need arises. Use your own creativity! This is ideal for anyone who enjoys working with flowers or has a flair for creativity. Contact the office or click to send us a note of interest.