Thank you Jennifer Sparrow, our wonderful presenter!

Catechetical Bible Study Series

The Study of Mark
February 24- March 24, 2021

Week One

Jennifer reviews the characteristics of the Gospel, the style of Mark, and the major themes. Discussion occurs in virtual breakout rooms and the outline for the weeks ahead is reviewed.

Download Jennifer's presentation

Week Two


Download Jennifer's presentation

Week Three

Fishers of Men

Download Jennifer's presentation

Week Four

Parables and Miracles

Download Jennifer's presentation

Week Five

Pascal Mystery

Download Jennifer's presentation

Christmas Mass Schedule

Immaculate Conception extends a heartfelt welcome and invitation to visitors and parishioners to join us for Christmas Masses. Our Mass times are December 24th at 4:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. (with Christmas music prelude beginning 1/2 hour prior to Masses) and Christmas Day at 10:30 a.m. We wish you all a blessed and wonder-filled Christmas Day and season and may the peace of the newborn Christ fill your hearts and your homes.

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