weekly planner


To expand the information below, select the title or the > icon. 

Friday (2/21)

The Office is Closed

7:30am Mass

Saturday (2/22)

The office is closed

10:30am Oliver Ciotoli Terry Baptism

11:00am Rescue Video Series PH

2:00pm Confessions and Adoration

4:30pm vigil Mass

Sunday (2/23)

The Office is closed

Youth Group at St. Catherine’s

8:30am Mass

10:30am Mass

11:30am FAMBRE PH

3:00pm Cornell OCIA PC

Monday (2/24)

Office Open 8am-4pm (closed for lunch 12pm-1pm)

12:10pm Mass 

6:00pm K of C 4th Degree PC

6:30pm OCIA PH

6:30pm Holy Hour  for Catechumens PC







Tuesday (2/25)

Office Open 8am-4pm (closed for lunch 12pm-1pm)

7:30am  Mass

1:00pm Food Pantry-PH

5:30pm Children’s Choir CH

6:15pm—Choir CH

Wednesday (2/26)

Office Open 8am-4pm (closed for lunch 12pm-1pm)

7:30am Mass

6:00pm Eucharistic Revival  Grp PC

7:00pm Endow Grp PH

Thursday (2/27)

Office open 8am – 4pm (closed for lunch 12:00pm – 1:00pm)

12:10pm Mass

6:00pm Liturgy Committee PC

Friday (2/28)

Office is Closed

7:30am Mass

Saturday (3/1)

The office is closed

9:00am Marian Mass PC

11:00am-12:30pm  Rescue Video Series PH

2:00pm Confessions and Adoration

2:00pm Holy Hour and Rosary PC

4:30pm Vigil Mass

Sunday (3/2)

Parish Office Closed

Coffee Hours

8:30am Mass

10:30am Mass

11:30am Wisdom of The Church PH


Woman greeter stands at the doorway of the church

Need to Know

To expand the information below, select the title or the > icon. 

Winter Weather Guidelines for Mass Cancellation

If Ithaca City Schools CLOSE due to winter weather, the Office will also CLOSE, and the 7:30am Daily Mass is cancelled. Check the MyParish app as all updates will be listed. You can download the parish app by going to the app store on your cell phone and search for MyParish App. Once it is loaded, search for Immaculate Conception Church, Ithaca. Click on the parish and you are all set.

Holy Hour for Catechumens Feb 24th 6:30pm

On Monday, February 24th at 6:30pm, our Parish’s Holy Hour will be dedicated to all the participants of this year’s OCIA process. Please join us as we pray for our Catechumens.


Ash Wednesday March 5th Masses:

7:00 AM, 12:10 PM and 7:00 PM

Stations of the Cross:

Friday, March 7th. 12.10 PM led by Mercy Associates. The rest of the Fridays stations of the cross will be held at 5.30 PM. All ministries are requested to help lead the stations on Fridays. Call the parish office to sign up. Weekly Monday Adoration 6.30 PM— 7.30 PM

Holy Hour:

Thursdays: 11 AM-12.00 PM prior to the 12.10 PM Mass

Ministry Highlight: Divine Mercy Cenacle- every 1st and 3rd Thursday at 5:30pm

Do you want to deepen your faith and progress on your journey to sainthood with a small group of faithful Catholics? If so, consider joining us to follow the path of Divine Mercy as taught by Saint Faustina and instituted by St. John Paul II. We will study the Diary of St. Faustina, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and scripture to enrich our faith and prayer life and to reflect on the meaning and impact of divine mercy in our lives. We follow a created curriculum and do a small amount of reading to prepare for our meetings. We meet every 1st and 3rd Thursday at 5:30pm in the Parish Center. For more information, including materials about Divine Mercy, send an email to brigidcooper@yahoo.com or text 607-227-3884.

Ministry Highlight: Endow-Wednesdays at 7:00pm in Parish Hall

The women’s ENDOW (Educating on the Nature and Dignity of Women) group will resume with a new study on Wednesday, January 18, 2025, at 7:00 in the Parish Hall. New members are welcome. We will be studying Pope Benedict XVI’s first encyclical, God is Love (Deus Caritas Est). From the Endow website: “In his first encyclical,
God Is Love, promulgated on Christmas Day, 2005, Benedict XVI expounds on the reality of love. He knows that the word “love” has been distorted and its meaning tarnished — and this letter calls us back to the foundational truths about love.” Please contact Trish at trickb3@vyahoo.com if you would like more information on the group or this study or would like to join us.

Ministry Highlight: Seven Sisters Apostolate

The Seven Sisters Apostolate is a call to strengthen the Church by ensuring that a Holy Hour 1s prayed each day of the week for the sole intention of a specific priest or bishop – a “holy wasting” (cf. Mt. 26:10) or lavishing of prayer for his deeper conformity to Christ. This ministry consists of seven (or more) women and men who each pray one holy hour on
their specific day of the week for our priest. This ensures that
every day a holy hour is being prayed for our pastor. The holy hour is preferably prayed in the church in front of the tabernacle. It is an incredible feeling to be sitting with Jesus in a quiet, empty church for one hour totally devoted to praying for our priest. If you would like to join us or
would like more information, please send an email to

Parish Outreach and Community Building

Our parish does engage in extensive outreach and community building. This is how we try to concretize the message of the gospel in word and deed. Eucharistic life compels us to share our very lives in a meaningful way in service of our brothers and sisters near and far.

These are some of the ways our parish has done outreach for a long time:

  1. Mass at nursing homes/senior living facilities, communion calls to the homebound parishioners, phone calls to individual parishioners and others as needed: Ministers involved in these ministries include: nursing home volunteers who help residents get to Mass, sing and help residents to participate at Mass and trained Extra Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (our Lady of Visitation Team) who take time to make quality visits to our brothers and sister who cannot get to Mass.
  2. The homebound parishioners are also served, and they appreciate quality visits to keep the parish connections. Most of our homebound parishioners spend a lot of time praying for the mission of the Church and the parish. Their stories of faith are amazing. If you know of any homebound parishioner do not hesitate to notify the parish. Also, if you are interested in any of these outreach programs, kindly call the parish office for more information. ( To be continued next week).
Extending Christ's Mission Through the CMA

If you made a gift to the CMA or Catholic Ministries Appeal over the last years, you should have received a letter outlining the programs the diocese supports through the appeal. If you did not receive a letter or are new to our parish/diocese you may wonder what the CMA is and how it benefits the church. Some highlights to last year’s campaign: ordination of one priest with five seminarians continuing their education; five deacons in formation, 260 high school students received the Hands of Christ award acknowledging their ministry and leadership; 840 Confirmations from 67 parishes and faith communities; 5023 youth participating in religious education programs; and 250,000 people assisted by our Catholic Charities agencies throughout the diocese. Some additional ways the CMA supported the parishes are: Prepared 275 engaged couples for God-centered marriages, funded programs that give our young adults on college campuses a connection to the church and spread the Gospel through communications media. This is important work that needs to be continued. Ways to make your donation to the CMA: 1) Online in the Secured Donation Portal visit www.dor.org/cmagive. 2) Text GIVECMA to 585-502-9124 to donate from your phone 3) Call 585-328-3210 extension 1298 to use a credit card 4) Checks made payable to CMA and mailed to Catholic Ministries Appeal, Diocese of Rochester, PO Box 6841, Ithaca, NY 14851-6841. 5) If you choose to remain anonymous, you can send your donation restricted to the Catholic Ministries Appeal through the parish and it will be forwarded to the diocese. For proper credit to the Immaculate Conception church in Ithaca, use code 266 on your donation.

CMA Goal: $64,000

Current  Status: Donors – 140 Percentage: 61.69% $39,480

Did you Complete the Parish Census? Materials available until March 9th

Parish census materials will be available in the main entrances of the church until the first weekend of Lent; March 9th, 2025. We urge all those who have not completed the exercise to please do so as soon as possible. If you have any questions regarding this exercise, do not hesitate to ask any pastoral council or any of the parish staff. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Please visit the Lost and Found Basket at the front entrance of the church. The Basket is Full - any remaining items will be donated to the Homeless Shelter.

Kindly visit the lost and found basket in the northern corner of the front entrance of the church and check it out. There are some precious items in the basket. The basket is pretty full, and it needs to be emptied. Thank you!  Items not removed will be donated to the Homeless Shelter.

Care at Mass During Flu Season

IMPORTANT NOTICE . As we are in Flu Season, and with COVID variant still prevalent, we continue to urge people to refrain from shaking hands during the Sign of Peace. Anyone feeling ill is urged to stay home. Let’s get through this season safely! Thank you so much for your cooperation in this matter.

Notify the Caring Team for Notes or Prayer Shawls

The Care and Concern Committee of the Church sends cards to church members in nursing homes. However, often people in our congregation are in the hospital, healing at home or are at rehabilitation centers to gain strength. We want to be sure that our church family knows that we’re thinking of them and praying for them. If someone you know would be blessed by receiving a card, please send the contact information (name and address) to cbgracem@gmail.com…so the Holy Spirit can touch lives one card at a time.

Is there someone you know who could use a warm, cozy shawl that comes with a prayer to help brighten their day? We have Prayer Shawls available for people to hand out. These shawls have been knitted by members of the parish with love and hope that they can help make a difference in someone’s life. Please contact the Caring Team or Parish Office  607/273-6121 if you would like one.

Voice from the Pew

Your voice matters. If you have a suggestion, good idea around the pastoral goals of the parish; spiritual opportunities, outreach/community building, youth and family, buildings/grounds, cemetery and financial matters, kindly stop by the pastoral council meetings that occur every first Thursday of each month. You will be listened to because you love your parish.

When are Confessions heard?

Confessions are heard every Saturday from 2:00pm-3:30pm in the Church.

Sacrament: Seeking Anointing of the Sick?

Call 273-6121 to receive this Sacrament or if your loved one is in the hospital.

Sacraments: Seeking Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Communion, Confirmation?

For Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation email Rich at rich.rasmussen@dor.org for information or to register.

Sacrament: Getting Married?

Call 607-273-6121 at least 6 months in advance of your wedding date.

tables of food at a reception

Parish Events & Programs

To expand the information below, select the title or the > icon. 

March 15th - St. Patrick's Day Dinner - Save the Date

The Parish will hold a St. Patrick’s dinner this year on March 15th to help support our food pantry. More on this event is forthcoming. Save the date and stay tuned!

Endow Study Women's Program: Wednesdays at 7:00pm

The women’s ENDOW (Educating on the Nature and Dignity of Women) group will resume with a new study on Wednesday, January 18, 2025, at 7:00 in the Parish Hall. New members are welcome. We will be studying Pope Benedict XVI’s first encyclical, God is Love (Deus Caritas Est). From the Endow website: “In his first encyclical,
God Is Love, promulgated on Christmas Day, 2005, Benedict XVI expounds on the reality of love. He knows that the word “love” has been distorted and its meaning tarnished — and this letter calls us back to the foundational truths about love.” Please contact Trish at trickb3@vyahoo.com if you would like more information
on the group or this study or would like to join us.

Wednesdays at 7pm in the Parish Hall

Exodus 70 Men's Program: Jan 20- Easter Sunday

Exodus 90 — Starting Jan 20!

Catholic Men, would you like to join us for the next offering of Exodus 90? The Exodus 90 program for Catholic men is designed to help you break out of the spiritual doldrums and to grow closer to the Lord. The program comprises a 90-day period of prayer, asceticism and fraternity. All these elements taken together lead to freedom; the freedom to say NO to those things that enslave us and to say YES to GOD, your family and your community.

To learn more about the program, contact Rick Burgess (cbprincipal@gmail.com). The program begins January 20, 2025, and runs for 90 days, culminating on Easter Sunday. Come join us!

Divine Mercy Cenacle: 1st & 3rd Thursdays at 5:30pm

Do you want to deepen your faith and progress on your journey to sainthood with a small group of faithful Catholics? If so, consider joining us to follow the path of Divine Mercy as taught by Saint Faustina and instituted by St. John Paul II. We will study the Diary of St. Faustina, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and scripture to enrich our faith and prayer life and to reflect on the meaning and impact of divine mercy in our lives. We follow a created curriculum and do a small amount of reading to prepare for our meetings. We meet every 1st and 3rd Thursday at 5:30pm in the Parish Center. For more information, including materials about Divine Mercy, send an email to bridgidcooper@yahoo.com or text

Video Series: Saturday March 1st at 11:00-12:30p in Parish Hall


Wisdom of the Church Study Grp: March 2nd at 11:30am in Parish Center

Wisdom of the Church Study Grp at 11:30 am Sunday, March 2nd in Parish Center

winter road

Beyond our Parish

To expand the information below, select the title or the > icon. 

Catholic Courier Ads

Are you a local business owner who’d like to gain more customers while supporting our diocese? Catholic Courier ad revenue stays within our diocese, and its ads reach 175,000+ print readers and 40,000+ unique monthly website visitors. If you’d like to learn more, please contact parishioner April Krueger at 607-216-5853 or amdg24@outlook.com.

March 7th Eucharistic Procession - Save the Date

On Friday, March 7th, there will be a Eucharistic Procession from Sage Chapel on Cornell’s campus down to our parish, followed by a Eucharistic Adoration vigil. The Procession will begin after the 12:15pm Mass at Sage Chapel. Save the date, and stay tuned for more information!

Note: a summary of information from the bulletin is provided on this page for your convenience. 

For complete details, please visit this week’s full bulletin, available via the “Current Bulletin” tab on our main menu. 

digital calendar

A link to the Parish Calendar is provided below for Ministry Coordinators who wish to reserve space in the Parish Hall for an event. This calendar is “view only”. Please contact the parish office to schedule the event. 


The renovations project was such a huge undertaking for our parish. The Brooks family captured photos as the project progressed. A link is provided below to our historical renovations page for those who wish to look back.