Online Giving

Choose your Support Level

Sunday Offering

$ choice
  • The Sunday Offertory is used for the day-to-day operation of the parish and its programs. You may set up a one-time or recurring donation to our parish.
  • One-time or recurring options

Buildings & Grounds

$ choice
  • Our Monthly Buildings & Grounds Maintenance Fund Collection is used for the purpose of meeting building and maintenance expenses for Immaculate Conception Parish. Thank you for your contributions to keep our facilities in good repair and running smoothly.
  • One-time or recurring options

Cemetery Offering

$ choice
  • This donation for the cemetery goes towards our facilities' maintenance so our cemeteries will be maintained with the highest standards of care so that the memories of those interred may be visited in comfort and dignified respect to honor the memory of those who have chosen our hallowed grounds as their final resting place.
  • One-time or recurring options

Finance Council

The main purpose of the Parish Finance Council is to assist the pastor as an advisory committee with parish finances. It also provides advice & recommendations to the Finance Director and the Pastoral (Parish) Council as needed.

Chair: Kathy Teeter

The Finance Council meets on a monthly basis and periodically reviews parish financial reports, such as budgets, balance sheets, and income statements. It also provides advice on management of parish finances and reviews parish investments. Results of Diocesan audits are reviewed by the Finance Council, significant gifts or bequests are discussed, and assistance is given in setting parish financial priorities. Meetings are held monthly.

Thank you Kathy Teeter! Thank you volunteers!

Would you like to join the Finance Team?

Are you interested in learning more about the Finance Council?

Email Father Chumo

Explore Volunteer Opportunities

Time and Talent

There are many ways that you can share your time and talent with us. Consider one of the opportunities on our volunteer page or contact us to offer your service.