A blended model in which parents and children work together. The online work is about engaging with information while the monthly gathered sessions puts learning into practice in an informal and fun way. Service to the community and parish are a key component. Email Rich Rasmussen for more information at rich.rasmussen@dor.org
Weekly from September-May. The group is fun and engaging with plenty of food and games but learning about our faith an out in our lives is our reason for gathering. We cover a lot of different topics in preparation for Confirmation. Email Rich Rasmussen for more information at rich.rasmussen@dor.org
Weekly from September-May. The group is fun and engaging with plenty of food and games but learning about our faith is our reason for gathering. We cover a lot of different topics that relate to our faith and how we are called to live out our lives each day. Email Rich Rasmussen for more information at rich.rasmussen@dor.org
Preparation for First Reconciliation typically begins in October and we celebrate First Reconciliation Mid December. It is important to note that preparation for sacraments is additional to being enrolled in the religious education program.
Preparation for First Eucharist typically begins in March and we celebrate First Eucharist in May. It is important to note that preparation for sacraments is additional to being enrolled in the religious education program.
A reaffirmation of your baptism, it is your opportunity and desire to say “yes” to Christ to live out your Catholic faith. Confirmation in the Diocese of Rochester is a two-year process. In an effort to make things easier on families schedules, we utilize the Middle School Youth Group for this preparation.